Posts Tagged ‘hussein’

Once You Go Obama, You Never Go Back

July 31, 2009

Obama called a cop stupid and bang, everybody ignores well-fare. In Sweden most people know that it is desirable to be able to offer all humans the health-care they need, even though we fall short of this goal in practice. In the States, it’s not even obvious that this should be the goal. Instead this idea is questioned.

“What?! The rich have to pay for the poor?”

We’re all monkeys and yet some monkeys think they are different from other monkeys. How can we rationalize inequality; national, global, or personal?

The President of the United States of America is a black male named Barack Hussein Obama. Before him, there were 44 white males. Assuming the term of service stays 4 years and Americans keep voting for black people as president consistently for the next 170 years, a racial equilibrium will finally be reached. Of course, then another 170 years of Indian rule would be needed, followed by 170 years of Asian ruling, then Aborigines and so on.

Once the racial equilibrium has been reached and white supremacy is only an item for the history books, it would only take another 1000 years to balance out the patriarchy of the States with 250 female presidents in a row. And then another 2000 years of presidents who are either bi, gay or any other sexual orientation apart from heterosexual. Then of course we’d have to have a few millenia of Muslim rule, Buddhists, then Hindus and so on. We can look forward to a wonderful world of open-mindedness and acceptance in the year 16074 A.D, when the United States of America will have ceased to exist a long time ago.

Or, we could put the past behind us and realize that all these attributes – religion, sexuality, skin-colour, gender, height, language, bra size or any mutation or opinion – are irrelevant to all things indirectly related to them. A person who is Christian is not for or against abortion. A person who is 140 centimeters tall might be the president of the Philippines. A person who wears a hat is not necessarily a philanthropist. A Muslim is not necessarily a fantasy novel publisher. An Eskimo is not necessarily your mother. A two-year-old boy is not necessarily in love with a toy tractor. One monkey once ate a banana.

Whatever the topic, job, situation, event or action, the mutant attributes of a human being that makes them unique in comparison to other human beings exist equally in all human beings. Everybody has a skin-colour, even albinos, everybody has sexuality, even asexuals, everybody has a belief, even atheists, everybody has height, everybody has weight, everybody is a bunch of atoms; more specifically a multicellular composition of DNA made from 4 nucleic acids; guanine, adenine, thymine and cytosine – just like plants.

And just like a plant, every individual, unique DNA-cell complex lives for a short while and then dies.